The meaning of the word unity is literal. Everything you see around you is you. Therefore, if someone upsets or irritates you, this is your best opportunity to forgive yourself. It may seem hard to believe, but this is the quickest way to achieve ultimate spiritual knowledge (enlightenment).
Start practicing self-forgiveness today whenever you get angry at someone else.
Say it every time: “Oh, this is really me hurting someone else,” or “Oh, now I’m being unkind to someone else.”
Or vice versa: “Oh, here I am again, having a great success”; “Here I am in the guise of a talented man”, “Here I am in the guise of a loving man.”
Everything you see in other people exists in you too. Therefore, whenever you forgive others for what you don’t like about them, you are actually forgiving yourself, thus unravelling the veil of illusion. There is no surer and quicker way to heal this world.
Giving and receiving are not arrows going away from you or back, pointing in opposite directions. They are a continuous circle from you to you, an energy vortex, for in reality giving and receiving are the same thing.
Visualize yourself as having an arc around you, like a coil of light. This is what the energy of giving and receiving looks like. If all you do is give, this coil will be very short. But if you allow yourself to receive and give at the same time, it will be extremely long.
Be absolutely convinced that whatever you give to others you are practically giving to yourself. If you trust in the infinite supply and malleable nature of matter, you can live comfortably wrapped in love… and so do those with whom you intersect your destiny.
It is a great waste of energy to try to alter and resolve outer experiences. Focus entirely on inner experiences characterized by abundance, health, love and peace, and your outer experiences will automatically copy your inner ones. Your life is a dream, and you are the dreamer who controls the direction of your dream. If you feel stuck or frightened, invoke us angels to gently awaken you from the dream of fear. We will take care to remind you of the power God gave you when He created you. We will teach you and show you how to exercise the power of choice and intention.
There are no advantages or “points” to be gained through suffering. No one is forcing you to do anything in particular and there are no roadblocks or tests. All your experiences depend on your free choices.
Admittedly, these require certain periods of quiet in which to question yourself: “What experience do I want to have?”
If you understand that there is no point in focusing on acquiring external goods and conditions, you can now focus all your time and energy on enjoying the fruits of your inner world and sharing them with others.
You are a spiritual master and healer who shares the experience of love, and the positive effects of this are enormous. As long as you stop trying to obtain some external “prize”, you can be absolutely sure that your life will become rich in meaning and significance, intersecting decisively with that of your fellow human beings.
We will always guide you in accordance with God’s will and our mission, helping you to meet your real needs. The path that God lays before you and your spiritual family is one of peace.
We hope you will accept this mission of peace, live in it and become one with it. We wish you to opt for love as the foundation of your existence and of all your actions. Finally, we wish you to feel as comfortable in your state of happiness as you felt until recently in your state of unhappiness.
This is our prayer for you, beloved. And as I explained to you, God answers all prayers.
Source – 10 Messages Your Angels Want You To Know – Doreen Virtue