”Another aspect of free will is need of further explaining is why some prayers seem to be unanswered. Most commonly, we see this human frustration when someone prays for a loved one’s health.
It’s essential to understand that the decisions a person makes about their health and life span are very personal. These are free will decisions, based upon many levels of factors.
When a person is in a serious health crisis, their consciousness is already in Haven with us, like a perpetual dream state. In those dream-consciousness moments, we show the person their various options. They not only see but experience what it would be like to choose recovery, passing into Haven, and other avenues.
They experience ahead of time how these choices will affect their loved ones. For example, a person who has been in a serious accident will experience and decide whether it’s better living with a disability and risking affecting their family’s lifestyle or passing away physically and risking their family grief. Each person weighs these options, with the help of their Heavenly companions.
Rest assured that no decision to live or pass away is ever undertaken lightly. If someone is determined to stay, this will happen and that’s when people proclaim that their prayers were answered. Prayers give the person the strength to choose to stay, and fervent prayers also help them realize the depth of their family’s love.
All prayers are heard, felt, and received. When you pray for someone else`s health, it blankets them with the warm energy of love…provided that your prayers are purely for the other person’s well-being.
Just like with giving, prayers can be motivated by either love or fear. So, if you are praying for a person’s health because you don’t want that person to suffer and you care about their happiness and life purpose, this is a love-based prayer that will lift them up. However, if you pray about their health because you are afraid of the consequences for yourself, this is a fear-based prayer.
Always, what you give is what you receive. So it can seem that prayers are ignored only because low-vibrational prayers stay in the low vibrations of the Earth plane. This is akin to forcing something to happen. You can try to squeeze out or chase a miracle, but the results will be a material-illusion mirage, and won’t be satisfying or long lasting.”
Source – 10 Messages Your Angels Want You To Know – Doreen Virtue