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The Secret to Success


”Anything that you dream of and are willing to work toward will succeed. Anything that you’re willing to take risks for will go well. 

The most successful people work for themselves. They rarely hold jobs working for someone else. So if you want to significantly increase your satisfaction levels with your job, as well as your income, you must be your own boss. It’s wise to begin your self-employment part-time and keep your regular job to pay the bills. As your self-employment gradually becomes more successful and your income increases, you can eventually quit your day job. But this doesn’t happen magically on its own. You have to take the risk of starting your self-employment. You have to assume financial and emotional risks to do so, but the rewards are enormously worth it. 

God is your employer. You might say that we Earth Angels work for God Inc. And just like any ethical, good company, all employees of God Inc. are given plenty of support and are well supplied. 

All you have to do to get ahead and have wonderful assignments, as well as raises and promotions, is follow the guidance that you receive as an employee of God Inc.

Have you ever worked for a company where there’s an employee who argues with every assignment he or she is given? Does this employee tend to get recognition or raises?

Usually not!

The employees who tend to get promotions and raises are those who have the team spirit and who follow the directives they’re given from management. 

So it is with God Inc.: you’re given assignments, and they may seem to have nothing to do with your career objectives.

For example, you may get a strong inner urge to quit drinking alcohol or change to a primarily vegetarian diet. You might be called upon to move to a new city, to let go of certain toxic relationships, or to begin a yoga practice.

These are examples of common assignments from God Inc. These assignments might not seem to make any sense. You might think they have nothing to do with your responsibilities. But quite simply, if you do your assignments, you’ll get wonderful rewards. If you delay, hesitate, or argue about the assignments you’re given, don’t expect to get very far. You’ll still be loved and honored for who you are, but won’t be given the cool assignments that would speak to your soul.”

Source – Assertiveness for Earth Angels – How to be loving instead of “to nice”  – Doreen Virtue

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