Invocation to Archangel Sandalphon
If you have a prayer that you urgently want to be answered, call upon Archangel Sandalphon by thinking of your prayer and saying: “Beloved Archangel Sandalphon, deliverer and answerer of…
In situations that are very serious, allow God to take over. He and his divine angels will support you. ‘Dear angels, I surrender this legal situation to you, knowing that…
‘Dear angels of peace, thank you for blessing my world and the universe so that we can remember the most important lesson: that only love is real! I feel so…
Ethereal light, pure and bright, Effusive, radiant, flowing life. The angels are here, they uplift my being, They teach and nurture, love me with healing. I open my heart! Then…
To Everyone Who Watches Over Me, I seem to have forgotten my Divine life purpose, and I ask your help so that I may remember why I chose to come…
For Support in Sharing your Knowledge ‘Thank you, angels, for supporting me as I pass on the knowledge I have learned to others. I know there is more than enough…
‘Thank you, Archangel Metatron, for supporting me in being on time as I recognize what my true priorities are. I know that my day always runs according to divine timing!…
Dear Metatron, Thank you for cleansing my energy centres with your crystalline ray. I know now that they have shifted, correcting any blocks or leaks, and that they are moving…
‘Dear Archangel Raguel, I lovingly release this situation to you and know that from this moment onward it has been taken care of. And so it is!’ - Angel Prayers,…
‘Thank you, Archangels Raguel and Raphael, for surrounding our relationship in a space of serene love. I love my partner very much and allow you to direct us to a…