Pure Giving
“The only form of giving that leads to spiritual growth and true peace is when you give because you`re guided to. Doing so because you feel guilty, sorry for someone,…
“The only form of giving that leads to spiritual growth and true peace is when you give because you`re guided to. Doing so because you feel guilty, sorry for someone,…
Dear God, We have so much love to give, and my spouse and I want to share our love with a baby. We ask that You and the angels help…
Dearest God, Please help my family member feel peace and happiness at this time. I ask that You send my family member extra angels to comfort him/her. Please surround our…
Before beginning any artistic or communication project, ask Gabriel to guide and oversee your activities by saying aloud or mentally "Archangel Gabriel, I ask for your presence as I [describe…
‘Divine angels and Archangel Raphael, thank you for the healing that has already been given to my knee and ankle. I am free and flowing! And so it is!’ -…
To help you attract true love “Archangel Haniel, please light my consciousness and life experience with God’s glorious divine love. I allow the light to expand my heart’s energy to…