Prayer for switching off (tuning out)
‘Thank you, angels, for disconnecting my energy from any outside source as I relax and go within. I am safe and free!’ - Angel Prayers, Kyle Gray
‘Thank you, angels, for disconnecting my energy from any outside source as I relax and go within. I am safe and free!’ - Angel Prayers, Kyle Gray
Flowing light, angels bright, creating change in our world tonight. Touching all hearts, all consciousness waking Steeped in the knowing, our planet is waiting. Waiting for love, for light, for…
Beloved God, Holy Spirit, and the Angels, I know that addictive cravings are cravings for Divine love. Please help me feel that I am [died with Your everpresent love. I…
‘Thank you, Archangel Zadkiel, for allowing my marriage with [person] to be dissolved. With the violet flame, I transmute any grievances and grudges as I set myself free with love.…
‘Divine angels and Archangel Raphael, thank you for the healing that has already been given to my knee and ankle. I am free and flowing! And so it is!’ -…
To help free you from the energetic effects of a psychic attack “Archangel Michael, please light up my consciousness with God’s royal blue divine light frequency of His perfect truth…
‘Thank you, Archangel Michael, for cutting the cords that bind me to people, situations and old energy. I am free. As I welcome your energy, I am filled with strength,…