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Physical life lived in joy


 If you understand that physical life is nothing more than an extremely realistic dream, you can use the power God gave you when He created you to change that dream. It’s as if someone asked you: “If you could clap your hands and instantly create your dream life, what would you change?” Well, we angels tell you that you don’t even have to clap your hands to change the direction of your dream. 

As we’ve said before, waking and sleeping dreams are equally projections of your intellectual body. Earlier I gave the example of the “lucid dream”, during which you can make conscious choices, changing your dream scenario as you wish. For example, during a lucid dream, you can change a negative scenario into a positive one. During a lucid dream you can assert yourself by saying “no” to anything that disturbs your peace.

You can do exactly the same during the waking dream. If you understand that “life is nothing but a dream”, you are the dreamer who can change the dream experience. You have the option of consulting with God about all your decisions and then listening to his answers. 

Think of life as being part of a team of celebrity writers. The more you consult with God about the script you are writing, the happier the film you will produce. 

Ego has the perspective of a “kid in a candy store” in terms of the power God has gifted you with. He thinks this means a carte blanche to buy all the goodies and take them home. Of course, this is an option, because the power God has endowed you with is infinite. Unfortunately, when all you do is take, you can’t be truly happy. 

You still remember what it means to be truly happy and you still perceive this happiness on the level of spiritual consciousness. The thing that blocks his perception of this happiness is precisely the obsession with hoarding. It makes you believe that you are not enough as you are and that you cannot consider yourself fulfilled unless you find something that completes you – a truly depressing thought.

Ego makes you endure a job that means nothing to you, just to produce the income needed to pay for your new purchases. In his view, suffering is the only path to happiness and “spiritual growth”. But why would anyone who is one with the almighty mind of God need more knowledge or growth? 

If you wake up from the illusion of separation, you will find the only knowledge that matters: that you are forever one with God. 

Source – 10 Messages Your Angels Want You To Know  – Doreen Virtue

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