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Manifesting Prayer with Archangel Raziel


To help you manifest your deepest dreams and heartfelt desires

“Archangel Raziel, please light up my divine creative spark with God’s magnificent divine intelligence and creative power. I allow the light to help sculpt and empower my manifesting abilities, and to help me resolve any disturbances in the full expression of my soul’s light. I willingly choose to use my creative power in harmony with divine truth and divine love so that I can manifest beauty and joy for the greatest good of myself and others.

Thank you. Amen. It is done!”

– Angel Prayers, Joanne Brocas

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Anca Gheorghiu

    My lovely angel Raziel the LOVE ANGEL please help me to find the men who is good to me, respect me and love me exacly the way i am. The men who is honest, with his heart open capable to of genuine love i’m longing for. The men who is a giver, who is financially wealthy , who shares everything with me.

    Thank you Raziel Angel

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