I give thanks to the Divine for giving me the love, healing and protection from your angels.
I call upon Archangel Michael to release me from my fears, so I may courageously live my heart’s desires.
I call upon Archangel Uriel to transmute my feelings of shame and guilt, so I may love myself with compassion.
I call upon Archangel Gabriel to assist me in speaking my truth, so I may share my unique message with the world.
I call upon Archangel Raphael to imbue me with your light of healing, so I may feel vibrantly healthy.
I call upon Archangel Jophiel to show me the world through angel eyes, so I may see myself and others with beauty.
I call upon Archangel Jeremiel to give me the gift of spiritual vision, so I may have crystal clarity about my soul’s purpose.
I call upon my guardian angel to wrap me in your loving wings of protection, so I may feel your love and be love.
I ask for all beings to know and feel the love of angels and experience your light.
Thank you for being with me, and my loved ones always.
This is how it is and so be it.
– Kari Samuels, 365 Days of Angel Prayers