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Angelic reading for February 2024


Intuitive journey for FEBRUARY with the help of oracle cards. We used 5 sets:  Archangel Michael’s Oracle Cards – Doreen Virtue, The Power of Surrender Cards – Judith Orloff, Magical Times – Jody Bergsma, Spellcasting Oracle Cards – Flavia Kate Peters & Barbara Meiklejohn-Free and Messages from the Archangels – Delia Muresan.

General atmosphere

In February in the tarot set we have an earth card and we are talking about this Nine of Earth. It connects us to the joy of life, to our personal mission. That is to choose to joyfully do what we do. To enjoy the important things, to learn to connect with ourselves and spend quality time in solitude, not necessarily with others. This month, February, we can start new projects. If we want to start a business, we can start it in February, if we want to change jobs, this month is a good month to do that, any new projects are encouraged.

This New Earth comes to support us, set us on mission and help us to be truly connected to our lives and things of meaning. We will choose to be authentic and embrace who we really are.

This month’s complementary card from Archangel Michael tells us to get out of our own way, to let God intervene. Let’s make it so that we understand that if some things are not seen or have no finality at this moment it does not mean that the energy is not moving. It just means that it is not materializing yet. It is necessary to have more trust and faith and let ourselves be in the arms of the angels.

Throw yourself! That is exactly the message!

This month, February, two very exciting books came in the Shaman’s Dream set. The first card is about the fallen angel which means that we can get drunk with this spiritual energy if we are on a mission or if we receive certain opportunities. We can think we are more than we are, more special, more special, our ego can inflate.  However, we have to understand that things in this spiritual area are being built and there is a great responsibility in taking on a personal mission. And this personal mission does not necessarily have to be in the spiritual area. In absolutely any area. As a personal mission, we have a duty both to God, first of all to God, but also to people or whatever we touch, the connection must be sincere and really helpful.

The other card in The Shaman’s Dream set this month, February, is about clarity, organization, cleaning house, finding the space to be able to do what we need to do. We can clean out the house, get rid of a lot of stuff, we can move this month, we can attract new projects or we just want to enjoy life more.  We can decide if an environment is good for us or not and make changes about place, space, cleanliness or anything that prevents us from having clarity and moving forward.

It’s a month when new beginnings are encouraged. No more excuses, it is also necessary to let go of any resentments, to make conscious choices by imagining where we want to end up and what we want our lives to look like. We may realize that we haven’t forgiven or put too much pressure on ourselves, and now it’s time to move forward with our heads held high. The process of forgiveness is about us, not the other person, and will help us move forward. And if we put pressure on ourselves, on the situation, on others we only feed fear and we will move forward but with the brakes pulled and maybe even choose to go down the wrong path.

In the first half of the month

In the first half of the month, by February 10 we sense our resistance to change. We realize that we are sitting on our guard and we are afraid to dance as life takes us. It is essential to let go of defensiveness, to figure out what we want and how we want to live so that we can take important steps forward. Clearly all the hard stuff is behind us, now it’s important to have a vision for the future, to ask for clarity and tune into the rhythm of life. The essential question is: Where does God want me now? We will then understand that joy leads the way and all we have to do is follow the guidance we have received.

In the second part of the month

From the 11th to the 20th of February as we commit to our lives we receive more and more clarity and understanding about what we have to do. It’s as if a veil is lifted from our eyes, we see the naked truth and decide to follow our dreams without looking back. The past can no longer affect us. But there will be many moments of liberation to let nothing stop us from following the path we choose now. It matters a lot to connect with ourselves, to identify what brings us peace and tranquility and what agitates and holds us back. It will require flowing, which is not exactly easy, but it is the only way to move forward.

In the last part of the month

From February 21 to the end of the month we will identify many blockages, understand the roots of older issues and need to admit the truth and act accordingly. Clearly we can no longer lie to ourselves, and negative thoughts, victimization are put under the magnifying glass now. We need to pull ourselves together, believe in ourselves, shake off everything that is holding us back and understand that everything is fine as it is. Yes, the gifts we can often see in the midst of storm or chaos. Everything that comes our way is actually for our highest good. We may realize that we have allowed too much to certain people, it is time to take our power back and set clear boundaries.

A month of February awaits us with a unique energy of support, action and liberation. We need this powerful wave badly, but it is how we manage this month’s energy that is most important. We can learn to surf, we can swim, we can settle down and “surrender” or we can get restless and resist, which is not recommended.

So let’s give the permission to this energy to take us where WE are needed.

We are one!

God help us!


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