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Angel reading for the month of June 2023


Intuitive oracle cards reading for the month of JUNE. I used five decksMary, Queen of the Angels – Doreen Virtue, The Power of Surrender Cards – Judith Orloff M.D., Whispers of Healing Oracle Cards – Angela Hartfield and Archangel Gabriel – Doreen Virtue.

The general context

In the month of June we have Archangel Gabriel with the card The Empress, who supports us to give life to our dreams, to take care of ourselves but also of others and to connect to the infinite will of God.

The feminine energy of Archangel Gabriel teaches us to flow and it will help us for a long time to blossom, to look for new things inside ourselves that we didn’t know were there. For example, we could discover that we have creative abilities: maybe we know how to paint and we didn’t realize it until now, maybe we are good leaders or maybe we have a good connection with children, etc. We can receive news related to the children we already have or maybe that our family will be extended. The lesson of the month of June is related to flow.

Archangel Gabriel supports us in using our imagination and teaches us to visualize first what we wish to create, to use our imagination with trust. It is recommended to accept help because we won’t be able to do it all on our own. We will need people who are experts in the areas we are not.

The extra card from The Shaman’s Dream deck tells us that we can feel In between worlds.We can feel like floating and we will need grounding and centering. We will have moments of either deep connection or disconnection and we will worry. So let us not forget about grounding.

This month will provoke us to remember our own greatness, as we are put under the looking glass and we realize what we can do, who we are and that we are such a GIFT for everybody who we meet. We will go through a challenging period, but a necessary one, as it will polish us beautifully and help us leave behind all the heaviness. Even if we feel we are in the spotlight, we should not forget to be gentle with ourselves and to remember that everything settles always as it is best for us. We will need to keep on saying YES to opportunities because nothing is random. Accepting is important in this stage and so is the joy to do everything that is within our power at the moment. We should pay attention to the need to demonstrate, as this is not what we need, it is only about showing ourselves, lighting up the inner lighthouse and shining out without excuses.

The first part of the month

In the first part of the month, until the 11th of June, we have the tendency to say NO to all that comes to us, from fear. It is good to observe our obstinacy, our tendency to sabotage ourselves and gently become responsible for all we have to do and carry on forward. It is not the case now to sabotage ourselves. Our bodies will tell us clearly about that, as we can easily somatize. It would be best to see what the body wants to say and enjoy the ride without too much pressure. Any resistance melts down with love and gentleness. We will be more sensitive so it is best to warn the ones around us about our changing moods and to tell them that we need understanding, not preaching. It is important to remember that when we are closer to making a dream come true, then the tendency for fear and sabotage is becoming greater. So, DO NOT GIVE UP NOW, you are very close to fulfilling a dream.

The second part of the month

From the 12th until the 21st of June we will need to make important choices. We can complete a stage, either due to one of our ways of thinking or making things, or we can end a collaboration or a friendship. No matter what shape it takes, it will be to our higher good. We only need to be true to ourselves. In each situation there are more people involved, so most certainly we have our lesson to learn. On the other hand, we can fall into the victim’s trap, to believe that someone is against us or has done something to us. We can also have the tendency to exaggerate the situation and it is best to focus on finding solutions to solve our side of the problem. We have the opportunity to free ourselves from fear and to understand that the obstacles have been overcome.

The last part of the month

From the 22nd of June until the end of the month many good news will come, we will be reaping rewards and learning to enjoy all that we live. Yes, we will be worried because we feel that the bar is being raised and that we are being asked for more, but at the same time we will feel flattered for being seen and repaid. We will need to act and reap rewards out of all that comes towards us. And as we can feel that everybody wants something from us, we should also take pauses, retreat, recharge and return with fresh powers.

We have in front of us a month of June that shows us how dreams can become reality, in which we will need to keep on saying YES to opportunities and enjoy everything life brings us now. It is a magical moment, under the magic touch of Archangel Gabriel, which we should better take advantage of.

I believe in magical resolutions!

God help us!


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