Intuitive oracle cards reading for the month of MARCH. I used five decks: Messages from the Mermaids – Karen Kay, Angel Dreams – Melissa Virtue, The Power of Surrender Cards – Judith Orloff M.D., Archangel Raphael Oracle Cards – Doreen Virtue and Messages from the Archangels – Delia Mureșan.
The general context
In the month of April we have the card Three of Air, which talks about giving up control, about being open to forgiveness, to seeing others as they are, about giving time to ourselves. We will need to take this mourning period for what we used to be and for what we believe that we should have done and didn’t do.
This month we will experience a period of vulnerability, a period in which we will need to work on the relationship with our parents, our family, even with past lives. We need to pay attention to the wounds that we might have taken from our mother and father that can come to the surface and the most important lesson here is forgiveness.
As we have this Three of Air card, the topic is this relationship with one of our parents or another relative, possibly needing to work on an important issue with each of them.
Archangel Michael comes and says: Positive thinking creates positive results, we can rise above the situation and see it as if it is already resolved. We are actually raising our vibration, seeing the good and the light in each person, forgiving and moving forward in an objective manner. We have this magical opportunity in the month of April.
From The Shaman’s Dream deck we have a card that says it is time to Abandon to God’s Will. It is necessary to let go of what has to leave and to make space for what we need to understand, to know, to heal, and so to create space for what we need right now.
It is a month that forces us to let our guard down, a moment to focus on the present moment, to count our blessings. We will have the tendency to return to the past and stay in a comfort zone, which is no longer an option. We do not live there anymore and now it is time to be compassionate about ourselves and the ones around us. Any shortcuts we were trying in the past to postpone things, to find all sorts of apologies are now unavailable. We will be disarmed and it is to our highest good. Now can be an important moment for us to clean up our life, our relationships, the relationship with our body, etc. We now have the opportunity to grow, to evolve towards an improved version of ourselves and to benefit from this fact. The challenge of this month is to descend from our minds to our hearts and to melt down with love the control tendencies and any other blockages that might hold us in place.
The first part of the month
Up until the 11th of April we need to be spontaneous and let things flow, without over analyzing. We need to detach and give up control. Even if it is a month of air, we need flow, we need to step aside from our own way. There will be many tests to check our self esteem, our level of respect, the places where we give away our power and it is time we change the strategy and see things from a different perspective. We cannot go forth without making changes, without seeing the reality as it is, without forgiving or healing ourselves. Now is the time to ask for help, to go to therapy, to communicate what we really feel and to make different choices. Now we can activate our healing abilities and have the revelations that take away our blindfold, most probably in the relationship with our family. Now is the perfect time to let go of any inheritance we don’t want. The angels also recommend that we charge our batteries in the middle of nature, to play more and to understand that this is an amazing opportunity to be reborn, even if it is not easy.
The second part of the month
From the 12th until the 21st of April we will feel the need to retreat, to contemplate, to have a chat with our soul. We feel that a stage is being completed and that we are ready to let go. We will need to balance, to work with those chakras which are unbalanced, to give up our limited beliefs and/or our negative thinking, to cast aside resistances and blockages. To do this we need to detach in order to start anew and with full force. It is good to observe what is good for us and what is not good for us, be it relationships, the place we live, our job or our food.
The last part of the month
From the 22nd of April until the end of the month we start making changes in all directions. We now have the power to come out of toxic situations, to communicate what we feel directly, to take our power back and to make new choices that honor our being. We now trust ourselves but mostly we trust God’s plan, now we bring more joy into our lives because we know we deserve it. We now dare to dream and make big plans.Wow and what a magical feeling to stop carrying so much burden and to offer yourself this opportunity to LIFE, not only to survive, but to truly enjoy life.
We are in front of a month of April that will shake us up really well, but that will also bring many gifts. We will need to dive into the unknown, to do the work we have to do with ourselves and with our family, to start the process of forgiveness and healing. So let us move forward with confidence.
I believe in magical resolutions!
God bless us!
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